The mission of the Community and Reentry Empowerment (CARE) Program, based in Oakland, California, is to provide direct support for formerly incarcerated women, transgender and non-binary communities in California to resist isolation and promote successful reentry. This unique population is often underserved and under-resourced in the criminal justice system and immigration system and, upon returning home, endure multiple barriers and challenges after incarceration.
Through trust-based monthly group meetings and one-on-one mentorship, CARE participants receive reentry and culturally sensitive services, participate in leadership development opportunities, empowered to obtain self-determination, and build upon shared learning and growth experiences. In addition to the monthly meetings, participants and their loved ones are invited to attend social events to foster relationships with other participants and the community.
Freedom, Friendships and Family. CARE 2022 Cohort participants engaged in various topic discussions such as ways to healthy living and lifestyle, family reunification and interpersonal relationship, and networking and community building. Participants connected in person at Emeryville and a community immersion APSC BBQ Event at Lake Chabot.In appreciation of participants’ commitment and growth to the program, the CARE leadership team in December of 2022, hosted a graduation Ceremony in San Simeon, CA for participants and their loved ones. The banquet hall was filled with laughter, chatter, and tears of joy as participants from all over California met each other for the very first time. It was truly a memorable celebration of freedom.
The graduates celebrated their freedom, friendships, and their families in an intimate setting where they shared the importance of kinship and reentry support after decades of incarceration. It was an ultimate blessing to witness. New friendships and community were born out of the 2022 Cohort.The weekend graduation celebration ended with a Guided Elephant Seal Tour courtesy of the CARE leadership team long time mentor, Dr. Barbara Owen. Dr. Owen has been instrumental to the rehabilitative programs as she was the pioneer in advocating for comprehensive programs for incarcerated people in women prisons in California.